Our family fun ice discos are a great way for the whole family to have fun on the ice! Get your groove on and pop down to The PEAK on a Saturday night, skate around the rink with chart-topping music playing and disco lights shining on the ice. Suitable for all ages and abilities.


Ice disco sessions will be held on the last Saturday of the month.

DAY: Saturdays

VENUE: The PEAK, ice rink

TIME: 6.30pm–8.00pm


Saturday 27 January
Saturday 24 February
Saturday 30 March
Saturday 27 April
Saturday 25 May
Saturday 29 June
Saturday 27 July


FREE for members

£9.00 for adults 16yrs+

£5.00 for juniors (under 16s)

£5.50 for concessions

Please note — skate hire and skating aids are not included in your PEAK membership but can be hired from The PEAK at an additional cost.

How to book

You can book sessions up to 7 days in advance online or using our app. Participants can also book on the day at The PEAK reception.


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